International Conference on Commodity Markets(ICCM)

12 January 2016- 13 January 2016

Abu Dhabi, UAE


Welcome to ICCM

The International Conference on Commodity Markets aims to assess and communicate the latest work of economists in energy and commodity markets. Beyond the high interest for academics, the conference also aims to share the fruits of this work with industry professionals, from both energy and finance related companies. Meetings between academic and businessmen are particularly beneficial to the margin of the working sessions. Furthermore, a communication to the public is done through a panel discussion and the presence of media, as was done during the 2014 edition Governed by a Board of Top Executives, Association Leaders, Business Press, and Business Academics Facilitated by Leading Business Publishers and Marketers.

Key Dates

Submission Deadline           October 31, 2015
Notification of Acceptance    November 20, 2015
Registration Deadline           December 20, 2015
Conference date                  January 12-13, 2016

Our World Class Speakers

Gougeon                   helyette-geman               Duffie   Prof. Patrick Gougeon                    Prof. Hélyette Geman                TBC : Prof. Darrell Duffie

ESCP Europe Business                  John Hopkins University            Stanford University's 

School London                                                                                 Graduate School of                                                                                                                    Business (TBC)

DeYoung_Bob                    michael_jefferson              K-Andriosopoulos

TBC : Prof. Robert DeYoung          Prof. Michael Jefferson             Kostas Andriosopoulos

Editor of Journal of Money,            Associate Editor of Energy        Conference modulator,

Credit and Banking (TBC),             Policy, ESCP Europe

University of Kansas                      Business School

Conference Profile

The International Conference on Commodity Markets (ICCM) will take place on 12th – 13th January, 2016 in Abu Dhabi. The event is jointly organised by ESCP Europe Business School, the Research Centre for Energy Management (RCEM), the Paris School of Business, and under the patronage of Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange with the support of Natural Gas Europe.

Energy issues are more and more impacted by changes in commodities markets. Commodities markets have recently experienced huge price volatility, which implies new challenges for practitioners and policy makers. This phenomenon could reflect:  i) changes in traditional factors (supply, demand, and market structures); ii) a liquidity effect; and iii) an increased role of complex financial products. 

In this context, the objective of the Conference is to address new analysis for commodities markets, policies and supervision. 

This international conference will bring together world-class experts from academic, professionals and institutional backgrounds. Participants will present their visions and strategies in the presence of regional media. Theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented contributions from researchers and practitioners of energy issues are welcome.

An exclusive conference dinner will be held at a prestigious location providing excellent networking opportunities for attendees. More details will be announced in due course.